Wednesday, October 10, 2018


I had reason to re-tat a design I created 10 years ago and realized after I did it, that there was a a small mistake in it. As much as possible I try to keep the original sample of the things I tat so I still have the first one I did. I tatted it again according to the diagram, but it didn't look exactly the same so I reexamined the original and counted the stitches in one part at 2-2-2-2 as per the diagram. Then I counted it again at 2-2-2 so I undid a couple of stitches, but that didn't seem right so I added them back in again. I think I went back and forth 3 or 4 times. It's 2 picots, no it's 3, no it's 2...I went with 2 and it worked out although 3 probably would work as well. I did the first sample using size 8 perle cotton and re-did it this time using size 20 Lizbeth. The first one on the right, was 3 inches across and the second one on the left, in Lizbeth ended up being 2.5 inches across.

I like designing, but I'm not crazy about re-visiting old designs. Once I'm done with a design, I'm done, I don't really want to play with it again mostly because I tend to pick it apart and think I should have done this, or that would have been a better idea. Some how the muse that works the first time around just doesn't want to stick around for another kick at the can.

Or maybe it's just that I'm getting old.....Nah, that couldn't have anything to do with it. Can it?

1 comment:

muskaan said...

Thanks for the update. This lovely pattern is on my unending to-tat list !