Number 15 is one of those designs with long skinny arms that tend to flop over, but it's small enough not to sag too much. It's roughly 2.5 inches across.
It also didn't take much thread, so I have another one on the shuttles.
I like using size 20 thread for tatting most things like snowflakes, doilies and Christmas ball covers. but I use size 80 for hanky edgings and bookmarks. Size 20 thread has disappeared from the stores long before Covid started impacting the supply chain, so I went online to order some, but talk about sticker shock! Handy Hands has the best supply of great threads and who can beat $4.25 US a ball for thread...except that converted to Canadian it's $5.50 which is still a great price, until you add in $35 for shipping which is $45 Canadian and the $4 ball of thread suddenly costs $50.00! Would you pay $50 for a ball of thread? I tried playing around with increasing the order hoping to exponentially reduce the cost per ball, but there wasn't any variation that worked.
I went back to looking for Canadian suppliers and many of them were out of stock on white thread but I finally found some at Stitch-It Central ( Lovely folks, great to deal with. I ordered 2 balls of white thread in October so that I could tat my Christmas snowflakes and it only cost me $28.00 Canadian including shipping. That was only $14 a ball as compared to $50 which is a real steal!!! (Yes I'm being a little bit sarcastic.) I understand, Covid is changing a lot of things but my Scottish roots really want to pinch the pennies.
That being said, I'm finding myself being very stingy with the thread I have. Hence using scrap threads for the designs with multiple thread joins in teeny tiny bits of lace. There's still more thread on the first ball. You know what that means... More snowflake designs!
Great snowflake!! :)