Monday, May 02, 2011

Credentials? 210 plus

In the last couple of weeks I've had emails from people that seem to suggest that they are trying to find out what kind of tatting credentials I have. The simple answer of course is NONE. I don't pretend to have any kind of qualifications except that I like tatting and I tat a whole bunch, all the time. At the table, watching TV, walking down the street, in line at the bank and the grocery store, in waiting rooms, in the bathroom, in the kitchen, lying down, standing up, sitting still, in my sleep. A lot of tatting.

Have I taught tatting? Yep. One on one, in groups, on line, on the phone, over the internet. If someone will sit still long enough I'll try to teach them to tat.

What makes me qualified to teach people to design tatting? Nothing much. Just over 210 published patterns  in 4 books and 24 newsletters and a whole bunch more like this one that may or may or become what it's intended to be.

This is just for Fox, a beginning possibility for that sequin project we were talking about. It might work. I'll just have to tweak it a bit to see.


  1. Credentials, schmedentials. If they can't see your beautiful work for what it is and look at your tutorials and figure it out for themselves, then there's no hope!
    I would love to take one of your classes!

  2. Ohhh, I'm in love! That is so pretty!

    If someone wants credentials, perhaps they should just take a look at your work!

    Fox the Grateful : )

  3. Sounds like some pretty good credentials you were giving there already! A teacher with published pattern designs! Is there a "credential" agency for tatting? (Oh, and how bold of them!)

  4. Anyone asking for any kind of credentials don't know you yet. If they take some time to read through your blog they will soon realise the error of their 'thoughts'.

  5. Credentials? I didn't realize credentials were needed to share the love of tatting! You keep me inspired, Sharon!

  6. You are an excellent teacher. You are an amazing designer. You are a generous tatter. What other credentials are needed?
    Whoever requested your credentials either does not follow you or know you or understand the great gift you share with all of us. How sad.

  7. Credentials? Did not even know the word, but for sure, no "credentials" are needed in the tattingworld. Skills, imagination and the generosity to share patterns, that's what it is about. And I see that a new technique with sequins is born!!

  8. I never thought of asking any one in the tatting world for credentials, what a cheek, they should look at your blog and the tutorials down the side of your blog they would realise you are a very good teacher.

    LOvely flower nice sequin project for Fox.

  9. Love the sequined flower! You create, you tat, you design, you teach, you share. Seems like a ton of credentials to me!
    Perhaps the person asking was a newbie, and thought one received schooling for tatting and degrees like one may receive at an embroidery guild or school? Just a thought.

  10. Pretty sequin flower! :)

  11. Why the big deal about credentials? I know of credentials needed for judging embroidery (American Needlepoint Guild and the Embroider's Guild of America), but I have never noticed it required for teaching and designing in those organizations. Creativity and clear instructions are what are required.

    Thank you for designing. I'm new to all this and I appreciate what I can learn.

  12. I don't have any credentials either. But, I always thought I was certifiable.

    Keep up the wonderful creativity. And the wonderful attitude. You have what it takes--and more!

  13. Having taken some craft classes from someone who holds a "credential" and some who don't, I don't see the big deal with them. In fact, most of the best learning experiences I have had are from those non-credentialed teachers.
    You are a GREAT teacher so don't let it bother you.
