Friday, March 06, 2009

Cluny surround

Would you believe it's a cluny leaf gone mad? Two evenings of tatting a record length cluny, just to discover what doesn't work. I thought it might be an interesting way to frame a piece, specifically this heart. I ran out of thread half way around and had to start again. I can't make up my mind whether to finish it to see how it looks, to do it over again all in red, or just cut it off and forget about it. So here it sits, incomplete until I can make up my mind. I need more hours in my day.


  1. Your pics never enlarge so I can never see them very well. I guess you could also go in and out as you go around (like a series of clunies) and create a sort of scalloped effect. That might "fix" the issue of running out of thread partway through. I'm guessing you had to have very long threads to weave back and forth through. I like the look but it sounds labor intensive!

  2. Very cool idea. :)

  3. Interesting, Sharon you always come up with such wonderful ideas, even if they don't work out, they contribute to our collective knowledge of Tatting as art and construction.
    If i had more time I would join your designing group. I have done just enough designing to have a bit of conceit about it. You learn as much as the teacher as you do when the student.
    Thanks for all you do as our tatting mentor. Jeanne - ladytats

  4. Wow, Sharon. Very impressive. It looks good, even while still in the rough stages of designing. If it were not so labor intensive I would say do a few extra hearts and throw one my way!!! Hugs, Hegla

  5. Wow! Now this is thinking outside the box.

  6. I think its better than you realise. You've desgined for years so you know if you put it away for awhile and pull it back out you might see it differently. Of course you might not remember what you did! lol Its a great idea, lots of work but great.

  7. Hi Sharon,
    This is so interesting. I am just learning Clunies, so I cannot imagine how you thought this up! Quite amazing. : )

  8. That looks like so much work, LOL - but what a totally amazing idea!
