Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The attention span of a flea

I think that must be the problem. Waaaayyyy back here I was working on a bunch of 3D flowers for a new book. It got stalled when this mess here just wouldn't co-operate. I can make it work, but one of the things I was aiming for was something realistic, life size, hold it's own shape without a lot of tatting. It's that making it fit into the predetermined mold that has me momentarily stumped.

So I wandered off into making a tatted cross, and meandered through a beaded bracelet. Then I got waylaid by sequins. I drew a design that I haven't tatted yet but I did want to see what the flower would look like as a pendant. So here it is.

But before I could get to the one I drew, I got sidetracked again......
Like I said, the attention span of a flea.


  1. Not at all...your Muse was leading you via a circuitous route to that gorgeous pendant! that a SEQUIN I see before me??!! :)

  2. Yup. Sequins just like in the sequin amulet bag done earlier. It's the same pattern just sitting by itself without a frame around it.

  3. meandering around, gives your subconscious time to figure out your problem and come up with more neat ideas. sticking to a rigid path narrows your focus.

    Nice pendant Sharon

  4. Lovely pendant, are you using sequins again. We all get side tracked onto other things, I am sure you have a longer thinking span than a flea.

  5. I know it is frustrating when we can't channel our creativity where we want it, but just look at all the wonderful ideas you'll have to explore later when you are in more of a production mode. I seem to be having the opposite problem. I'm in the mood to generate new ideas and don't have a single one! :)

  6. Great pendant for summer! :)
