Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Stunning Silver

Busy, busy, but I just have to show you what was sent to me recently.
Aren't they gorgeous? So delicate that they look like a puff of wind would blow them away, but so sturdy they could stand up. These, of course, are silver tatted earrings made by Alan aka Joyful the clown. They are simply elegant and something I shall certainly treasure. Now, what can I wear to go with something this beautiful? They are definitely not blue jeans and sweatshirt attire. Although, come to think of it, if you wore these with blues jeans and sweat shirt, you'd definitely be dressed up.


  1. oooh lucky you Sharon, those are very pretty earrings. Alan has inspired me to try tatting with wire, I have done a bit of tatting with both copper and silver wire, I need much more practice at it.
    have fun wearing your earrings. they go with anything

  2. Karen9:19 PM

    Very, very nice. He makes some lovely tatted jewelry. Thank you for letting us see your treasure. Karen

  3. Those are wonderful! I can't imagine tatting with metals. :)

  4. Lovely I wonder how she tatted with metal,
    They will last a lifetime and something to give to your children
