Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Slow, Sluggish, Stagnating

That's kind of how I feel. Summer is a great time for getting lots of things done, except, apparently not tatting or tatting books. I've done nothing at all on the snowflake book for over a month. It has been mostly too hot to work in my office for anything other than the immediately necessary jobs. Then there have been "issues". Irritating things like computers not working properly. Frustrating things that have required my attention elsewhere. Annoying things like necessary power outages for some necessary re-wiring. Creative things like not liking the whole "tone" of the book so far. Drastic things like the possible re-formatting of the entire book.

Here's a minor issue. I was doodling and this snowflake appeared. On the first one I neglected to join one of the clunies to the central motif so I just tied it on after the fact so that I could see what it should look like. Then I thought I might include it in the book too. I re-did it in colour using a variegated Valdani thread matched with a solid burgundy that looked like a good pairing in the evening light.
In the cold light of day it seems a bit off to me. Or maybe it's me that's off. I started it again in white and on the first cluny the thread broke. I contemplated just attaching more thread and continuing, but opted instead to do it right and start over. The second time it waited until the 8th cluny before it broke. If it's going to be included in the book I need it done in white. which I can't do because for the first time in my life I'm all out of white thread.


  1. Oh, it is sooo frustrating when the thread breaks! And it always happens at a most inconvenient place. The weather seems to be changing, and cooling down. Hope you are soon back to your book.

  2. Well, rats, mice and chickenfeet! How frustrating. I hope you get some white thread and doesn't bread -- because that's a really pretty snowflake!

  3. Looks like that will be an awesome snowflake when you get it completely finished! :)

  4. I'm glad I'm not the only one experiencing a lack of energy due to this heat. Fortunately we're getting a reprieve for a few days -hope you are, too!

    You have managed, however, to keep up with the 25-motif updates, and it's very much appreciated. That's a big job in itself.

    It's easy to say, but try not to put too much pressure on yourself. You already do more than most people I know, and certainly more than I do!

    I can't even imagine doing clunies - that's way too labor intensive for me! How frustrating to have the thread break like that!

  5. totally cool lace but i can never get the hang of it can you give me some tips?
