Friday, February 26, 2010

Finished Embroidered Bird and Tatting or Bust

The bird is done and I'm satisfied with the way it turned out. I've washed and pressed it and it seems to be roughly the same size as the first block done in 2007 and it didn't pucker as badly as I thought it might. It's the same fabric but I scanned the bird with a black background which is why it appears darker that the butterfly. It didn't really take all that long to complete, I just kept putting it down because I couldn't see the faint transfer lines at night which is when I do most of my hand work. After I did the butterfly in 2007 I couldn't think of anything that I wanted to do with it. It's an 8 inch square, which isn't big enough for a pillow or anything useful, so it's been stuck to the inside of my tatting cupboard door. I have been toying with the idea of embroidering butterflies and birds on a bunch of blocks and tatting a bunch of butterflies to applique on some more blocks and then putting the whole thing together as a quilt top. The first block was done in 2007 and it's now 2010. At this rate I'll be as old as Methuselah before it's done.

At any rate it's done and I can move on to more tatting. I have a dozen ideas in my head but I know if I don't stick with a project once I start it, it won't get done. Since I already have 20 of the 30 snowflakes done that I want for the book, I'd better get at it. Especially since I wanted them all done before I start the next Design-Tat course March 1st.

That's 2 days away and it's impossible to design and tat 10 snowflakes in 2 days, you say? If Olympians can do the impossible, why can't I?


  1. What a beautiful piece of work both the Blue bird and the butterfly!!!!

  2. Beautiful work, Sharon.
    Fox : )

  3. Hi Methuselah! Your bird and butterfly are beautiful - such things take time. I admire the fact that you are still with the project - I tend to give up if it takes too long. It does seem to take forever around other, less important things :) (like WORK, in my case. . .) I'm certain your bluebird is perfect.

    On with the Olympics . . .
