Saturday, January 23, 2010


That's what this snowflake is giving me. I tatted it the first time with cluny leaves and while it was OK, the clunies didn't give it anything special. They're a lot of work, they take time and they ought to add to the design, which they didn't. So I replaced the clunies with split rings and re tatted the whole thing. There was a little overlap which I assumed would come out when it was blocked. Well here's the little stinker on the blocking board drying and it still needs work. It was only when blocking that I realized that I should not only have replaced the clunies with split rings, I should have also joined them. And shortened one if the chains, and maybe modified the points....

What's the use, maybe I should just scrap it. I already ditched a previous design because drawing it was a pain in the butt. I like that this one has nice sharp points and still holds it's shape. If it wasn't for that I'd totally give up on it.

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