Wednesday, January 21, 2009

More Fun with Sequins

OK so if I'm working on designing a square motif that can be used to make a shawl, why am I still playing with sequins? I don't know, but if someone figures it out can you clue me in? I tatted the medallion again just because it looked like it would fit in a bangle. It does, sort of. I could add another row or change the last row to make it fit better, but I've already fallen out of love with this design. I might do it again adding matching beads to the outer round to make it more sparkly.
Maybe my lack of enthusiasm is because I've already done it a few times. I re-did it in red and black, which I thought might look really dramatic and it might have with different sequins. These particular red sequins are transparent and they don't have enough colour value to stand out against the deep dark black thread. I may try some other thread and sequin colour combinations some time because I think it might have possibilities. I suppose what puts me off a little is just the idea of lace mixed with plastic. I made the necklace in the last post and I don't know anyone who would wear it. It's too... chintzy.


  1. I really like the medallion in the bangle and it is good to see you have some time for tatting.

  2. LOVE the white one in the bangle.

  3. Sequins and Motifs and tatting all sound like THE PERFECT combination for a shawl! I'd love to design a shawl with beads and sequins in it! It would look beautiful! :)

    Your motifs are gorgeous, DAHling!

  4. Oh, I think I'd wear it!! If you walked into Anthropologie wearing it, you'd probably be mobbed, LOL!! =)

  5. I think they are both pretty, especially the white one in the bangle.

  6. Oh wow! That is so pretty! As a motif to attach to a bangle or as a motif to a shawl. Love it! Will you share the pattern? I have tons of sequins that hubby bought for me and I dont' know how I'm going to use them.

  7. The medallion on the necklace,the one in the bangle and the black and red one are all the same pattern.TattingChic I can't imagine using the motif in a shawl it would be too scratchy. I like my comfort. Besides, I think sequins all over a shawl would be too garish.

  8. I like the white one too, would be very pretty for a bag!

  9. the black medallion looks exotic. reminds me of material belly dancers use. very interesting motif.

  10. hello Sharon !

    both are so beautiful ! i just love the white medaillon too much ... it looks like a piece of jewellery !
