Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Tatting of Kathy Niklewicz

I have been busier than a one armed paper hanger. I'm working on the designs for the newsletter and things are not flowing the way they ought to mostly because I haven't had quiet me time to just sit and tat. We've had to do a lot of running errands recently and the projects that I have been working on aren't progressing well 2 of the articles I had planned to include have had to be scrapped and now I have a new idea I'm working on that I hope will meet with better success. I have managed to send out all 5 of the Round Robin groups and I think I'm caught up on the 25 Motif Challenge.

The other day I was surprised to find in the mail a large envelope and when I opened it up there was a charming letter from a tatter I don't think I've "met" on any of the tatting lists. Kathy is an awesome tatter who is a member of the Beaver County Tatters of Old Economy PA, with enormous creativity. Sadly, she is blogless so we don't get an opportunity to see the things she has made so I just have to share it with you all.

Kathy's letter to me had a picture of one of Teri Deusenbury's hearts on it and the scanned picture doesn't do it justice. Kathy's note says that she attached it by pins to a velvet heart box and the pearls were sewn on after it was finished.

Kathy had intended to send her note to me at Christmas time but was delayed so included in her package was a Christmas card featuring Patti Duff's wreath design to which she added red rhinestones, a bow pin and a tiny ringing bell.

Also included in the package was a custom US postal stamp with the same tatted motif pictured on it. That definitely gives tatting an exposure it wouldn't have otherwise.

As part of the Beaver County Tatters, Kathy dresses up in period costumes and demonstrated tatting at a number of local festivals. She brings along her small Christmas tree covered with tatted ornaments and a small Victorian dollhouse with Victorian furnishings including tatted doilies valences and bedspread which get a lot of attention.She likes to design 3D items like this bell, egg, and heart and she often spends as much time decorating them as tatting them.

Kathy says these adorable parasols are simple ring and chain designs with an edging around the top. Sometimes she fills potpourri inside tulle netting and then she attaches a crystal call at the base. The basket was copied from one she discovered in an antique shop.

Her crowning achievement are these lovely Victorian Ladies Slippers which are about 4 inches long form heel to toe.

I'm so glad that Kathy sent me these pictures so that I could share them with you. She has such a wonderful way of presenting tatting that it's like it's a new art form.


  1. Oh lucky you! Everything looks wonderful! I'm a fan of Victorian decorations too and I have a few patterns but are crocheted. Does Kathy intent to publish the patterns? I would kill to have those slippers! lol

  2. Ditto! ...only I want to make parasols! Please pass on my well wishes to Kathy. I hope we have the opportunity to see more of her pieces!

  3. This is wonderful! What a creative lady. I do hope she will be able to show us more of her beautiful work.

    BTW, sounds like keeping up with the newsletter and everything else is stressing you a bit, Sharon. We all love seeing your patterns - maybe they could be offered as e-books, without the pressure of a calendar timeline? Just a thought. Everything you do for the tatting community is so wonderful! You are going to be SOOOO rewarded in heaven!

  4. Ditto again. She is very talented and generous. I too would love to make the slippers and parasol. I also agree with Yarnplayer that you do too much for all of us. It is not right for someone so talented and dedicated not to have her own tatting time. If ever there is anything I can do to help, and that probably goes for several more of us, please do let me/us know. Thanks again.

  5. I believe I met this lady while doing a Victorian Craft Show out in Mercer, PA - I recognize the shoes, which were even more gorgeous in person than you can see in the picture. She is a lovely lady as well, and her tatting is impeccable. It's been many years since I was there, so I'm glad to see she is still creating her lovely work!

  6. OH MY - what exquisite work Kathy does - I'm no where near being able to do this, even if I had a pattern! It would be great for experienced tatters to be able to give it a go.
    Convey my good wishes to the Lady and tell her thank you for sharing - AND
    Thank You for sharing this person's work.

    X BJ in NM

  7. That Kathy is enormously talented. She needs to get published. All of those things are amazing and gorgeous and so victorian. Thank you for posting them.

  8. Hi Sharon, Isn't Kathy's tatting beautiful. I have seen her tatting display before at Old Economy. Everything is so elegant and displayed so nicely. I have only demonstrated with the Beaver County Tatters a few times. This is where I grew up. My Mother is a member of this group and demonstrates all the time at local events with Kathy. There are about 5 tatters that demonstrate. This weekend they will be at Brady's Run Park near Beaver Falls at the Maple Syrup Festival.

  9. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Hello Sharon,

    Would you please put me in touch with Kathy Niklewicz. I think the class would love to have her guest teach a lesson.
    Thanks. Georgia

    BTW we still need flowers for the birthday book fundraiser. (Blatant Hint)
