Tuesday, July 06, 2010


A while ago my sister brought over her Wii system so that we could try it out. The idea that you could play a video game and get some exercise at the same time always struck me as a really smart idea. I have no objection to work. Lifting, carrying, and moving are all fine, but exercise for the purpose of exercise just doesn't make it in my book. I can run track, but running on a treadmill just isn't going to happen. Haul roof tile up a ladder? Sure. Stand around repeatedly lifting weights? Nope. I know me, I'm not going to do it.

Since the car accident I've gotten more and more out of shape. It took several months before I could walk again under my own steam and even when I could hubby didn't want me going anywhere unless he could come too. The problem is that he often can't leave the house because he's too dizzy. Consequently, I'm getting more and more flab and less and less muscle.

The other day I bought a Wii system with the balance board. Hubby thought I was joking when I said I wanted one. He insisted it was only for kids. Then we got it home and started using it. There's a lot of "anything you can do I can do better" going on right now, and all the while, we're both getting in better shape without having to leave the comfort of our own living room.


Imoshen said...

My husband bought our Wii for the same reason. Now I'm the one using it and he's on his XBOX. It seems he's finding the weight I'm losing..lol..good luck with your exercise routine. Although for me it doesn't feel like exercise, too much fun

Leanna said...

WoW-- You and I have a LOT in common! I too hate exercise on principle...BORING!! But I love to get my workouts through hard physical work...not a problem.
Keep it up, Darlin'!

Aga Winnicka said...

I heard about it but was very skeptical too. If exercise do it outside, but now I just might to rethink the whole Wii idea...
Thanks for sharing

Eliz Davis aka Tatknot said...

A little healthy competition adds to the fun, doesn't it. I love the idea of having fun while you get fit--and in air conditioned comfort, too!

mickchick831 said...

WII's are great! My 75 year old mother uses ours to keep moving. She has COPD and can only move about in short stints so the wii is perfect for her. She bowls, plays tennis and never in her life thought she would be on a snow board at 75 years old.
BTW the kids and I love it as well!

BSOTF said...

Your Hubby was right.."it's for kids!" That's why there are 2 kids at your house having a blast playing your Wii. Won't be long & you both will be back into your sexy young bodies! Tell your Hubby that the teens aren't the only ones using them. I don't mean you on this next line. Some homes with elderly people have them so those who can move can get excercises & have fun playing against each other. Yep, they are young at heart just can't live alone anymore. However you & your Hubby are two young kids in love!! Keep up the good work!

Carolivy said...

I bought a Wii for the very same reason! Had a treadmill and hated working on it! Sold it after having the Wii for 2 months and NEVER using the treadmill...lol I hate boring old excersises, but the Wii is SO much fun and variety that you never get bored! It is like being a kid again and having fun while realllly sweating! ;-)

Tatskool said...

Oh yeah. the Wii is such a lot of fun...and losing weight is a bonus!